Organic Ag, Inc. - greenwaste mulch spreading
Organic Ag, Inc. - greenwaste mulch spreadingOrganic Ag, Inc. has more than thirty five years of experience spreading greenwaste and mulch on agricultural lands. Today, Organic Ag, Inc. provides mulch spreading services in the surrounding areas of Ventura County, Riverside County, and the Los Angeles area.

Mulch and compost made from the harvest of the urban landscape including tree trimmings, lawn clippings, and woody materials can be an integral part of soil management. These products help enhance soil structure and organic content while reducing some of the environmental impacts associated with farming and landscaping.

Mulch is usually applied in a layer to the top of the soil and is not tilled in. It is commonly used to increase organic matter, retain moisture, increase micro organism diversity, and improve porosity. It can also be used for erosion control and for weed suppression.

Organic Ag, Inc. - greenwaste mulch spreadingBoth compost and mulch can complement other soil additives and management practices, such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and cover crops. Mulch will also release nutrients it contains as the organic material breaks down.

This natural process will take several months or years depending upon many factors which include the moisture content, the average air temperature, the thickness of the mulch layer, and the type of material used to make the mulch.

For more in depth information about mulch, or about the process of spreading the material please check out the rest of our web site. You can also find out information about Organic Ag and our company's history as well as much more. We look forward to servicing you in the future.

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